YAMA Meet and Greet 迎新生見面會 - March 22nd 2025

What is a YAMA Meet & Greet? 👋

This is where we welcome families with children with special needs, disabilities or chronic illnesses who can find out more about YAMA's therapeutic interventions, including our yoga and art group sessions and our 1-1 individualised Yoga Therapy Scholarship Scheme Sessions. Our teachers will meet families in person, get to know each child and provide guidance on the next steps on joining our programmes.

🔹DATE: March 22nd
🔹TIME: 3- 4PM
🔹WHERE: Ikigai, 22/F Art Piece Building,
3 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay

Do you know of a child with special needs who may be interested in receiving 1 to 1 individualised yoga therapy? By appointment only, so please sign up through our New Student Intake form at www.yamahk.org/ytss (also link in bio).

Please share with any families you know with children who may benefit from our services. We look forward to meeting them! 💚

你認識有特殊需要的小朋友嗎?他們可能對一對一的個人化瑜伽治療有興趣!YAMA 基金會誠邀你參加我們的「見面會」,了解更多關於我們的治療方案,包括瑜伽和小組藝術課程,以及透過「瑜伽治療獎學金計劃」(YTSS) 提供一對一的個人化瑜伽治療。

我們的導師將會親自與家庭見面,了解每位小朋友的情況,並提供參加我們課程的下一步指引。成功申請 YTSS 的人士將會獲得十節個人化的瑜伽治療課程,以提升他們的大肌肉運動規劃、社交發展、自我調節同埋情緒管理能力。

名額有限,敬請預約!請透過 www.yamahk.org/ytss 填寫新生入學表格報名。

🔹地點: Ikigai, 銅鑼灣勿地臣街3號藝思高座22樓

#accessibleyoga #yamafoundation #yogaartmeditation #accessiblewellbeing