Get Involved
As a registered charity, YAMA relies on the generosity of individuals and corporations who support our mission to provide accessible wellbeing services to marginalised communities. We invite you to get involved in the following ways:
Help us open an Accessible Wellbeing Centre!
Currently, we hold our yoga, arts and meditation programmes for people with disabilities and special needs in rented spaces around the city. But it is a constant struggle to find venues that have proper accessible facilities for these people.
Our goal is to open Hong Kong’s first Accessible Wellbeing Centre, purpose-built for the people we serve.
We’re aiming to raise HK$500,000 by the end of 2024 and we need your help!
Thanks to your donations, hundreds of people with disabilities and special needs receive therapeutic yoga, arts and meditation programmes that empower them to feel good in their bodies.
There are thousands more people to help, and we need your help to reach them.
We welcome any donation in any capacity. Monthly donations provide the stability we need to run long-term programmes.
Request a Donation Box!
Place a YAMA’s donation box at your centre, studio, shop or cashier and help us collect donations!
Volunteer / Intern with Us
YAMA relies on the support of skilled volunteers to help with translation, data entry, social media, events and fundraising. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please complete the online volunteer application form and we will add you to our database. Our team will reach about about volunteer opportunities as they coming available.
Become a Supporting Yogi / Yoga Studio
Calling all yogis! Partner with YAMA Foundation to advocate for accessible wellbeing in your yoga space.
Host a fundraiser charity class at your venue and donate the proceeds to YAMA
Set up a donation box and signage at your studio
Invite us to offer an accessibility awareness workshop for your teachers and colleagues
Host An Accessibility Awareness Workshop
Help us raise awareness by inviting YAMA to your workplace or school to deliver a 90-minute workshop on the importance of accessibility in wellbeing spaces. Learn about key barriers to wellbeing, what it might feel like for a person with a disability or special need to participate in group activities, and brainstorm ways to shift environments to be more inclusive.
Donate via Twopresents
Having a party? Share your celebration with YAMA! Here’s how it works — send your invitation through the Twopresents’ website and let your guests know that instead of bringing gifts they have the option to contribute towards your gift/charity fund. One portion of the collected among gets donated to our cause and the other goes to you to buy a BIG present!
Work with Us
Join the YAMA Foundation team and help us serve the underserved communities in Hong Kong. We are looking for passionate individuals to fill various positions and work together to create positive change.