Wellbeing vs Wellness 健康與福祉的區別

In a world that constantly champions “wellness,” it’s worth pausing to reflect on what wellbeing truly means on a deeper level.

For years, wellness has been synonymous with fleeting trends—smoothies, athleisure, intense workouts, reaching a specific number on the scale. It’s a polished, curated ideal, often surface-level, and always just out of reach.
But people are starting to see through the narrow confines of the wellness industry. An industry that often excludes—ignoring larger bodies, sick bodies, and disabled bodies—and fails to embrace diversity and inclusivity. When we peel back the layers of this industry, it's clear that there is significant room for growth. And that’s where the shift lies: moving beyond “wellness” to embrace true wellbeing.

If you search for the definition of wellbeing, you’ll find it described as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.” Notice what’s missing? There’s no mention of a specific body type, wardrobe, or rigid expectations. At its core, wellbeing is about connection—connection to your body, your mind, and the people around you.

When we foster that connection, wellbeing becomes a personal journey. For some, it might mean a few quiet moments each morning. For others, it could be a coffee shared with a friend, singing a favorite song, or walking among the trees. Wellbeing is about discovering peace with yourself, in your own way.

At YAMA, we believe wellbeing is a fundamental right—and it should be accessible to everyone. When people have the opportunity to experience true wellbeing, it leads to growth, healing, and connection. Wellbeing isn’t about “fixing” anyone; it’s about meeting people exactly where they are, without judgment. It’s not about taking something away but enhancing what’s already there.

Yet, so many feel unseen, unrepresented, or excluded from the wellbeing space. This is because the wellness narrative often pushes a restrictive, one-size-fits-all approach—an approach far removed from the truth.

As our CEO and founder Hersha explains, there are “perceived barriers to entry” in yoga and wellness spaces, and at YAMA, “our mission is to break down those barriers and create a space where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and supported”.

Wellbeing belongs to everyone. It’s not about perfection—it’s about connection, acceptance, and growth. At YAMA, we’re here to make that vision a reality for all.


多年來,「健康」已成為一種流行趨勢的代名詞 -- 蔬果沙冰、運動休閒、激烈健身訓練,以及達到特定的體重數字。這是一種經過精心包裝和策劃的理想形象,往往停留在表面,且總是遙不可及。

然而,人們開始看穿健康產業的狹隘框架。這個產業經常排除特定羣體 -- 忽視較大身形者、病患以及殘障人士 -- 未能真正包容多元與共融。當我們剝開這個產業的層層外殼,就會發現其實還有很大的成長空間。而這正是轉變的關鍵:超越「健康」的表象,擁抱真正的「福祉」。

如果您搜尋「福祉」的定義,會發現它被描述為「一種舒適、健康或快樂的狀態」。您注意到了嗎?這沒有提及特定的身型、服裝風格,或嚴格的標準。在其核心,福祉關乎連結 -- 與您的身體、心靈,以及身邊的人建立深刻的聯繫。


YAMA,我們相信福祉是一項基本權 -- 每一個人都應該享有。當人們有機會真正體驗福祉時,將帶來成長、療癒與連繫。福祉不是要「修正」任何人,而是尊重每個人當下的狀態,毫無評判地接納。它不是要剝奪什麼,而是豐富我們已有的一切。

然而,仍然有許多人在福祉的領域中感到被忽視、不被代表,甚至被排除。這是因為「健康」的敘述往往強調一種狹隘且一刀切的角度 -- 這與現實相去甚遠。

正如我們的行政總裁和合創人 Hersha (夏喜善) 所說,在瑜伽與健康領域中,存在著「感知的進入障礙」。在 YAMA,我們的使命就是打破這些障礙,創造一個讓所有人都能感到受歡迎、被尊重、並獲得支持的空間。

福祉屬於每一個人。 它並不是關於追求完美,而是關於連繫、接納與成長。在 YAMA,我們致力於讓這個願景成為現實,讓所有人都能擁抱真正的福祉。

StoriesSaxby Macalister