The Potential of Gender Equitable and Inclusive Leadership 性別平等和包容性領導潛力 #IWD2024
According to a new report by the World Bank, the gender gap is wider than previously thought. By not prioritising gender equity, we are missing out on huge benefits, including an estimated growth of over 20% in global gross domestic product. Globally, women are earning just 77 cents of each dollar earned by a man, and childcare and safety issues particularly affect women’s ability to work.
根據世界銀行的最新報告 (英文),性別差距比一向認為的更為大。如果不重視性別平等,我們面對巨大的損失,包括全球國內生產總值估計的超過20%的增長。全球女性的收入,僅為男性每賺取一美元的77%,而兒童照顧和安全問題特別影響了女性的工作能力。
In our city, the University of Hong Kong and NGO Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres has found significant differences in perspectives on women’s access to quality education, employment, healthcare and control of personal finances. Without gender inclusive perspectives and policies, we put 50% of our workforce under undue stress and limitation.
This International Women’s Day, let’s explore the potential of gender equitable and inclusive leadership.
Women score higher than men on 17 out of 19 key leadership capabilities, such as: taking initiative, resilience and bold leadership (HBR)
根據《哈佛商業評論-HBR》的調查結果顯示,女性在19個關鍵領導能力中,有17個方面的得分高於男性,例如:主動性、韌性和領導膽量。Women lead by encouraging participation and making everyone feel included (HBR)
女性以鼓勵參與和讓每個人感到被納入的方式來領導。(HBR)Women share power and information without be overprotective of their “turf” in order foster sense of loyalty, trust, and challenge logic behind decisions (HBR)
女性在分享權力和信息時,不會過分保護自己的“地盤”,而是促進忠誠、信任和挑戰決策背後的邏輯。(HBR)Women bolster the confidence and self value of employees which supports employees’s resilience and performance (HBR)
Truth is, when women are included in leading our society forward, priorities shift. Strong female leadership has the ability to glue a community together, normalising helping each other out rather than competing with each other.
Women emphasise cooperation, empathy and care. Women have the capacity to create more egalitarian, peaceful and environmentally sustainable communities. If we inspire inclusion of women across all areas of our society, life gets better!
Let’s take this day to reflect on how we can uplift female leaders around us, and if you are a female leader - believe in yourself and know that we want you to thrive!
讓我們利用這天來反思可如何支持我們身邊的女性領導者。如果妳是一位女性領導者的話 - 要相信自己,知道我們希望妳茁壯成長!