An inclusive yoga class for persons with disabilities/special needs and people with limited flexibility or mobility challenges. A seated practice, enjoy a complete experience of yoga. Also suitable for wheelchair users and complete beginners. 為患殘疾/特殊需要人士,及肢體靈活度受限或行動不便人士等開設具共融性的瑜伽堂。一個坐著亦能享受到完整瑜伽體驗的練習。本練習也適合輪椅使用者和初學者。
Read MoreExercise promotes stress relief, confidence building, and personal growth. Zachary and Zacki will showcase activities to support all aspects of physical health, including flexibility, strength-building, and cardiovascular training – so you can get fit together as a family, in the comfort of your home! Suitable for all ages and abilities. Wheelchair users may require additional support from a carer. Participants should prepare 4 common household items: (1) 500-mL bottle of water, (2) stable chair to help with balance, (3) hand towel, and (4) broom or mop stick. 綜合了不同種類的基礎運動動作(柔刃性, 力量 和 帶氧練習)。提昌減壓和建立自信, 從傳統運動及自導性訓練中提升個人能力。我們會示範如何把4樣不同的家庭用品變成我們的健身工具:(1) 一樽500毫升的水, (2)用來平衡的椅子, (3) 一條抹手毛巾, (4) 一支掃把/地拖棍。
Read MoreMaintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. This can be achieved through regular exercise, adequate rest, and a balanced diet. Learn about the nutrients involved in supporting optimal immune system function and join dietitian Sally for easy recipes and a fun food demonstration. 保持健康的生活習慣是天然地保持免疫系統強健的最佳方式。透過定期運動,充足休息和均衡飲食來實踐。了解支援抵抗系統功能所涉及最佳的營養資訊,並由營養師Sally及您示範簡單食譜和有趣的食物演示。
Read MoreYAMA Foundation conducted a year-long study on the effects of yoga therapy for children with disabilities and special needs who received little to no therapeutic support. This information session shares details about the YAMA's flagship Yoga Therapy Subsidy Scheme, and shares the results of our research findings. Interested families can learn more about how to apply for YAMA's forthcoming intake and meet the yoga therapists at a short "Meet & Greet" session at the end. YAMA基金會進行了一項為期一年的研究,探討瑜伽療法對患殘疾和有特殊需要兒童的效應。來了解YAMA的旗艦瑜伽治療補助計劃,讓我們與您分享這份研究的發現。 屆時,對該計劃感興趣的家庭還將有機會與YAMA的瑜伽治療師會見。
Read MoreThe Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent fifth wave has taken a massive toll on the mental health and wellbeing of parents and carers of children with special needs. As a parent of a child with a rare genetic syndrome, Margaret shares her personal journey and experiences to help manage anxiety and burnout. She will also lead a short wellness practice for inner calm through the chaos. 新冠肺炎及隨後的第五波疫情對有特殊需要兒童的父母和照顧者的身心健康造成了巨大耗損。 身為一位患有罕見遺傳綜合症的孩子的母親,鐘麗淇親身分享她的個人經歷,以助家長們應對焦慮和倦怠。 她將會帶領導一個簡短的練習,讓大家的內心在混亂中平靜下來。
Read MoreJoin us for a super fun drum jam and learn a little about African drumming and how it all came together! We’ll try some traditional rhythms that will be sure to put you in a great mood! Come experience a wild afternoon as we roll in the beats together! Suitable for of all ages and abilities. **Each participant should prepare a hardcover book and a pillow.** 來參加我們這項超好玩的“敲擊”樂,了解一些關於非洲鼓的知識以及它們的合奏是如何組成的!我們一起嘗試一些傳統的節奏,保證會讓您心情愉快!來體驗一個以節拍中滾動的狂野下午!適合所有年齡和能力的人。 **每位參加者需準備一本精裝書和一個枕頭**
Read MoreJoin Fezia as we examine needs for children with disabilities and what we can do to help them through yoga. This session will include a yoga story-weaving in asanas and songs, for times when access to therapy is more difficult and children are confined to the home, as well as a video presentation of the yoga sessions with children of all abilities. Suited for parents, carers, educators, and wellbeing professionals. 這項目中Fezia將與我們一起探討患殘疾兒童的需求,和怎樣透過瑜伽來幫助他們。 活動包括以瑜伽動作和歌曲編織而成的一個故事,於難以接觸治療加上兒童被限制在家中時的應對,以及給不同能力的兒童進行瑜伽課堂的視頻演示。 適合家長、護理人員、教育工作者和福利專業人士。
Read MoreMove and groove to the beat of fun Bollywood music! Explore self-expression through dance with no defined rules. Open to participants of all ages and abilities who love to play with music and movement. 隨著好玩的寶萊塢音樂節拍來節奏地擺動身體!不需跟隨規則的舞蹈中探索自我表達。不論任何年齡和能力,只要您喜歡音樂和郁動身體便可!
Read MoreDesigned for the whole family, this fun-filled yoga class incorporates songs, games, stretching, breathing, relaxing, and much more! Suitable for families with children of all ages and abilities. 為一家大細而設,兼充滿樂趣的瑜伽班。當中包括歌唱、遊戲、伸展,呼吸和放鬆等等!適合有任何年齡及體能的小朋友的家庭。
Read MoreAfter an automobile accident left him a paraplegic at 21, Ajmal’s road to recovery was a long and difficult one. But unwavering commitment and dogged determination led him to become a national-level athlete, competing in triathlons, marathons, and regattas around the world. In this session, Ajmal shares ways for everyone to be active outdoors. Whether you are young or old, amateur or experienced, able-bodied or disabled, be inspired to take charge of your own physical fitness and all-round wellbeing. 在21歲時一場車禍導致他截癱後,施杰浩的康復之路漫長亦艱辛。 但堅定不移的承諾和决心使他成為了一名國家級運動員,在世界各地參加鐵人三項、馬拉松和賽艇等比賽。 在本環節中,施杰浩將與大家分享戶外活動的方法。 無論你有多年輕或年長、業餘或富經驗,身體健全或是患殘疾等,準備體驗這個觸發您全面管理好自己身心健康的項目。
Read MoreLet the sound vibrations of the gong relax your mind and activate the body’s inherent capability for self-healing in this 20-minute session that will leave you feeling relaxed, balanced, and re-energised. 讓銅鑼的聲振把您的思緒放鬆,喚醒您內在自癒的潛能。這20分鐘的療程結束後保證您會覺得身心輕鬆,平衡和煥發活力。
Read MoreJoin Aymeric for a unique sensory experience as he takes you on a sound journey to inner awareness, using mindfulness as a bridge to meditation. This 20-minute session can be done seated or lying down. Participants are encouraged to wear a headset for an optimised experience. 讓Aymeric帶您進入獨特感官的體驗,利用聲音作靜坐和靜觀內在意識的橋樑。可坐著或躺著地進行這20分鐘的練習。我們鼓勵參加者需佩帶耳機來感受最佳的體驗。
Read MoreImmerse yourself in the healing vibrations of singing bowls and experience the benefits of sound healing. Sound healing has been known to lower stress and anxiety and induce a calming effect in participants. 讓自己完全沉浸於頌缽振動中,體驗聲頻治療的效益。眾所周知,聲頻療法可減低壓力和焦慮,及有令心景平和的效果。
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