Sound Healing 聲頻治療
Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of singing bowls and experience the benefits of sound healing. Sound healing has been known to lower stress and anxiety and induce a calming effect in participants. 讓自己完全沉浸於頌缽振動中,體驗聲頻治療的效益。眾所周知,聲頻療法可減低壓力和焦慮,及有令心景平和的效果。
Frankie Chan
Frankie is a yoga teacher based in Hong Kong specialising in adults and children’s yoga, including sound therapy, prenatal. A mother of two, school volunteer, and volunteer therapist specialising in mental health counselling, Frankie first stepped onto the yoga mat in 2003 and instantly fell in love with the physical, mental and spiritual sides of the practice. Since 2005, she has taught classes and workshops of varying sizes from one-on-one to groups of over 100, at schools in the public and private sector, and at big corporations to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle, wellness and mindfulness. Frankie是一位專門教授成年人和兒童的瑜伽導師,範疇包括聲頻療癒及孕婦瑜伽。自2003年第一次接觸到瑜伽後,Frankie立即愛上著瑜伽練習對身體,思想和心靈的得益。從2005年開始至今教授過的課堂包括一對一至過百人、學校、公營、私營以及企業機構等,致力宣揚身心健康生活的重要性。身兼多職的她是兩個小孩的母親,學校義工和精神健康輔導的義務專科治療師。